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Birth of a Rebel
Meet Melissa Hooven

Birth of a rebel, how Melissa Hoven modeled to become our NPC rebel character


The Imperial Dispatch Newsletters

"Imperial Wars has exceeded my expectations. I knew when I read the design document that it had the 'simple complexity' that always results in a great game, with exceptionally high re-playability and fun. It is that and much more;"

- Aaron Cammarata
Designer, Tony Hawk, Pro Skater
Versions 1,2,3,& 4
IWars beta tester


© Intelligent Life Games
2002 - 2013
All rights reserved
All art & graphics protected under US copyright laws.
Imperial Wars® & Intelligent Life Games® are Registered Trademarks.


Melissa Hooven

For some time we felt that Imperial Wars needed a face to go along with the game concept, a non-playing character that would represent Imperial Wars. We had been working with several willing models to come up with various character inspirations for Bruce Dean, Art Designer. The problem with the choice of any specific Character was that it only represented one splinter of the game. So we chose the Rebel character in Imperial Wars to stand for the game. Melissa was kind enough to spend most of a Saturday in the studio trying on various costumes and poses. She appears on the front page of the IWars site now along with other characters from the game.

Many people met her at E3 where she made a nice splash as the Imperial Wars Rebel. She had a quick shot on the Jimmy Kimmel show and an interview with National Lampoon. The most amazing quality about Melissa is the excitement she brought to the role. She is a perfect person to work with, very outgoing and charismatic and excited to try out new experiences and adventures. The Rebel characters in the IWars backstory are remnants of the ancient Terramonah Empire rebellion so she was required to have a regal air and that's just what she did in some of the art work shown below. We're pleased to have her representing Imperial Wars.

Melissa is now a recruiting agent for game programmers.

Below are some of the transitions that turned Melissa into the fierce warrior-maiden in rebellion.

The Imperial Wars Rebel Model Imperial Wars Rebel Painting